Tribal Codes:
Solid and Hazardous Wast Managment and Remediation Code
MHA Energy Division Resolutions
S.W. Cates, K. M. Macek-Rowland
1998, Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4098
Kathleen Macek-Rowland, R.M. Lent
1996, Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4007
The effects of land-use activities on the water quality of five streams on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation were evaluated. The five basinsevaluated were East Fork Shell Creek, Deepwater Creek, Bear Den Creek, Moccasin Creek, and Squaw Creek. East Fork Shell Creek and DeepwaterCreek Basins are located east of...
James D. Wald, Steven W. Cates
1995, Open-File Report 95-304
Jeffery C. Eidenshink, David C. Sjaastad
1985, Pecora 10 Symposium 135-142
A spatial database was developed for the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota to demonstrate the use of a geographic information system for natural resource management. A key component of the digital database was a detailed soil survey. Range site boundaries were derived by aggregating soil mapping...
Robert James Dingman, Ellis D. Gordon, H.A. Swenson
1954, Water Supply Paper 1259
The Fort Berthold Indian Reservation occupies about 1,000 square miles in west- central North Dakota. The Missouri and Little Missouri Rivers flow through the area and form part of its boundaries. Garrison Dam, which is under construction on the Missouri River 30 miles downstream from the east boundary of the...
E.D. Gordon, R.J. Dingman
1951, Open-File Report 51-111
Clyde Max Bauer, Frank A. Herald
1921, Bulletin 726-D
M.A. Pishel
1912, Bulletin 471-C